Page 8 - RayOne EMV Platform Brochure 2024_2.2
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                                                                                                 & EMV TORIC

          VACUOLE FREE MATERIAL     360° Optimised barrier to reduce PCO
          FREE IOL                  Rayner’s 360° Amon-Apple Enhanced Square Edge creates an optimum barrier
                                    to reduce epithelial cell migration including at the haptic-optic junction. 15,16
          •  Single piece IOL created
           from a homogeneous
           material free of          ND:YAG CAPSULOTOMY RATES    15   MEAN TIME TO
           microvacuoles 9                                            ND:YAG CAPSULOTOMY
          •  Compressible material    At 12 months          0.6%      9.3 ± 5.5 mths (range 2.6 - 22.7 mths)
           for delivery through a    At 24 months           1.7%      Follow-up period: 5.3 - 29 mths
           2.2 mm micro incision 10
          •  Excellent handling
           characteristics with     Extremely low Nd:YAG capsulotomy rates, comparable with
           controlled unfolding     hydrophobic acrylic lenses with square-edge optics. 15
           within the capsular bag 11
          • Low silicone oil adherence 12
                                       Stability of RayOne IOLs
          •  Excellent uveal
           biocompatibility 13
                                          STAGE 1              STAGE 2  STAGE2  10mm  STAGE 3
          •  Hydrophilic acrylic material
           with low inflammatory
           response 14

                                       Outer haptics begin to    Outer haptics engage    Haptic tips gently meet the
                                       take up the compression   the inner haptics   IOL optic and are effectively
                                       forces of post-operative                   locked into position
                                       capsule contraction

          Comparison of preloaded IOLs

           Company                           Rayner           Alcon            Alcon            J&J
           Lens platform                     EMV              Acrysof IQ       Clareon          Tecnis1
           Injector                          RayOne           UltraSert        AutonoMe         iTec
           Nd:YAG rate / PCO*                1.7% 1           7.5% 7           5.4% 14          3.7% 7
           Miyata grade (glistenings)        0 (None)         1 (Glistenings)  0 (None)         0 (None)
           Abbe value                        56 2             37 9             Unknown          55 9
           Refractive index                  1.46 3           1.55 10          1.55 12          1.47 12
           Mean decentration                 0.08 mm 4        0.78 mm 11       0.06 mm 13       0.27 mm 13
           Nozzle diameter                   1.65 mm 5        2.08 mm 5        3.0 mm 15        1.86 mm 5
           Injector preparation steps        2 6              3 10             3 15             4 12
           TABLE REFERENCES: 1. Mathew RG and Coombes AGA. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2010 Nov-Dec; 41(6):651-5. 2. Rayner. Data on File. White paper. 3. Ferreira T et al. J of Refract
           Surg. 2019; 35(7): 418-25 4. Bhogal-Bhamra GK et al. Journal of Refractive Surgery. 2019;35(1):48-53. 5. Nanavaty MA and Kubrak-Kisza M. J Cataract Refract Surg 2017; 43:558-563.
           6. 7. Cullin F et al. Acta Ophthalmol. 2014; 92(2): 179-83. 8. Yildirim TM et al. PLoS ONE. 2021; 16(4): e0250860. 9. Zhao H et al. Br J Ophthalmol. 2007; 91(9): 1225-29.
           10. 11. Humbert G et al. FR J Ophthalmol. 2013; 36(4): 352-61. 12. 13. Baumeister M et al. J of Refract Surg. 2009; 35(6): 1006-12. 14. FDA Summary
           of Safety and Effectiveness Data PMA P190018 (2020). 15. Clareon IOL: A New Monofocal Platform. The Ophthalmologist. 2017.
           *Follow-up: RayOne=YAG at 24mths, Acrysof IQ=YAG at 41.4mths, Clareon=PCO at 12mths, Tecnis1=YAG at 41.5mths.
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13